2 Corinthians 6

1:4 encourages (a-2) Parakaleo, as Matt. 2.18; 5.4; Acts 20.12; 1Thess. 3.7. I do not say 'comfort,' as that is rather conveyed in paramutheomai, so translated in 1Thess. 2.11; 5.14; 'console,' John 11.19,31; and 'consolation,' 1Cor. 14.3. The difference is slight, but here, as in Acts 20, there is the sense of 'cheered,' and this might replace 'encourage' and 'encouragement' if there were a suitable noun.6:1 fellow-workmen, (h-3) See 1Cor. 3.9. Here literally 'jointly labouring;' the connection is in the word 'beseech.' 6:2 salvation. (i-22) See Isa. 49.8. 6:4 endurance, (k-11) Or 'patience.' 6:9 known; (l-5) Or 'recognized,' as Matt. 7.16. 6:10 grieved, (m-2) Or 'sorrowful.' 6:11 expanded. (a-11) I do not say 'enlarged,' because it would lead one to suppose that his heart had been narrow. He had been driven in, as it were, by their evil, and now opened out and expanded. 6:12 affections; (b-13) Lit. 'bowels.' 6:13 itself. (c-16) Lit. 'be ye also expanded.' 6:14 diversely (d-3) 'Unequally,' as in A.V., is a consequence, but not stated in the text, which says 'diversely,' referring to the Levitical law, which forbade different animals to be yoked together, Deut. 22.10. 6:16 temple (e-6) temple; (e-15) Naos. see 1Cor. 9.13. said, (f-20) See Lev. 26.11-12. 6:17 Lord, (g-14) 'Lord' is a proper name, answering to Jehovah. God, who in the Old Testament took the name of Jehovah with Israel, and of Shaddai (Almighty) with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, takes the name of Father with us. unclean, (h-20) See Isa. 52.11. 6:18 Lord (g-22) 'Lord' is a proper name, answering to Jehovah. God, who in the Old Testament took the name of Jehovah with Israel, and of Shaddai (Almighty) with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, takes the name of Father with us.
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