Hebrews 8

1:1 formerly (g-11) Or 'of old.'8:1 summary (c-3) Or 'the chief point.' The difference is small; it expresses what it results in, in the writer's mind, as the substance of the things of which we are speaking. 'The things of which we are speaking' is the present subject which occupies him. it heads up in this. priest (d-19) Or 'such a high priest.' down (e-23) Or 'set himself down,' as ch. 1.3. 8:2 (f-1) Leitourgos, as Rom. 15.16. 8:5 (g-1) Hostis, as Matt. 7.24, 'who are such as.' for (h-22) See Ex. 25.40. 8:6 ministry, (i-9) Leitourgia. see ver. 2. which (k-21) Hostis. as Matt. 7.24, 'which is such as.' established (l-23) That is, formally established as by a law. 8:8 them, (m-7) See Jer. 31.31-34. and (n-14) The 'and' here I take to represent the Hebrew word translated 'that' in Jer. 31.31. new (o-19) Kainos. see ch.12.24. regards (p-22) regards (p-29) 'As regards' indicates the object in respect of which the covenant was made. 8:11 themselves, (q-23) I add 'in themselves,' to distinguish the word here, oida (which means consciousness in oneself), from the word translated 'know the Lord,' which is from ginosko, meaning knowledge in general. 8:12 never (a-17) Or 'in no wise.' A double negative, augmenting its force. 8:13 New, (b-5) Kainos. see ch. 12.24.
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