James 5

1:3 works (g-8) Works out as an effect. see ver. 20; Phil. 2.12.5:4 sabaoth. (d-35) i.e. Jehovah of hosts as Rom. 9.29. 5:7 patience, (e-2) Aorist. see Note a. patience (f-22) Two Greek words are translated 'patience' in the New Testament. In vers. 7 and 8 the verb makrothumeo, and in ver. 10 the noun makrothumia, as Heb. 6.12. In Rom. 2.4; 2Tim. 4.2; 1Pet. 3.20, this reads 'longsuffering' in this translation. In ver. 11 and elsewhere 'endurance' is hupomone, also translated 'patience' at times, according to the context. In general, makrothumia expresses patience in respect of persons, but hupomone in respect of things. The man who is 'longsuffering' (makrothumia) does not suffer himself easily to be provoked by injurious persons, or to be angered, 2Tim. 4.2. The man who is 'patient' (hupomone), though under great trials, bears up, and does not lose heart or courage, Rom. 5.3; 2Cor. 1.6. 5:8 patience. (e-4) Aorist. see Note a. 5:9 Complain (g-1) Lit. 'groan,' as Mark 7.34. 5:10 patience, (a-10) See Note f, ver. 7. 5:11 endurance (b-14) Hupomone. see Note f, ver. 7. 5:16 your (c-3) Lit. 'the.' fervent (d-19) Or, 'operative,' 'working effectually,' if the word be taken as a participle, as elsewhere in the New Testament. The A.V. combines the two ideas, 'the effectual fervent prayer,' but it is hardly both. I do not think it is inwrought by spiritual power. It is the person who is 'fervent.'
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