Job 3

1:1 Uz (a-9) See Lam. 4.21. perfect (b-18) Complete, lacking nothing; cf. 2Sam. 22.24.3:3 man (a-18) Geber. so ch. 4.17; 14.10 (first), 14; 16.21 (first); 22.2 (first); 33.17 (second), 29; 34.7,9,34; 38.3; 40.7. It refers to strength, a cognate form (Gibbor) being used for 'mighty men,' 'heroes,' as Gen. 6.4; 2Sam. 23.8; Job 16.14. 3:4 +God (b-10) Heb. Eloah. see Note, Gen. 1.1. The word occurs many times in Job. 3:8 Leviathan; (c-14) See Job 41.1; Ps. 74.14; 104.26; Isa. 27.1. 3:14 themselves, (d-13) Or 'who ruined buildings.' 3:17 wearied (e-10) i.e. lit. 'whose strength is worn out.' 3:23 man (a-3) Geber. so ch. 4.17; 14.10 (first), 14; 16.21 (first); 22.2 (first); 33.17 (second), 29; 34.7,9,34; 38.3; 40.7. It refers to strength, a cognate form (Gibbor) being used for 'mighty men,' 'heroes,' as Gen. 6.4; 2Sam. 23.8; Job 16.14.
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