Titus 2

1:1 and (b-5) In Greek de, a particular additional circumstance, more marked as a distinct relationship, giving occasion to consequences. knowledge (c-18) Epignosis, as Col. 1.9.2:2 discreet, (b-8) i e. 'sober' or of 'sound mind,' as ch. 1.8; 2.5,6,12. patience; (c-15) Or 'endurance,' as Jas. 5.11; but see 2Thess. 3.5; Rev. 1.9. 2:4 admonish (d-4) To impart and enforce by will, counsel, and rebuke, rules of conduct, &c. 2:9 masters, (e-8) Despotes, as 2Tim. 2.21. themselves (f-11) The literal translation is 'to be,' yet I judge I have given the true sense. It is elsewhere used of the Christian towards God or Christ; but to be acceptable is a fact. I cannot exhort a person to be it; to make himself so I can; and that is the sense here. gainsaying; (g-16) Or 'contradictory;' that is, opposing their masters when they speak to them. 2:11 men (h-13) Or 'has appeared to all men,' but I prefer the text. 2:12 teaching (i-1) This word has certainly the sense of discipline, and always perhaps carries with it something of the thought of setting right; but it is used unquestionably for instructing, as in Acts 7.22, and elsewhere. soberly, (k-13) That is, with self-restraint and consideration, or sound mind; as 'discreet,' ch. 1.8. things, (l-23) Aion. see Matt. 13.22, but 'age' hardly gives the sense. 'World' gives the false idea of this world as one, and heaven another. It was, for the Jews, the present state of things in contrast with that to be introduced by Messiah. 2:14 gave (m-2) Or 'has given.' Aorist.
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