1 Corinthians 15:12-23

Is no resurrection of the dead? no such thing as a resurrection of the dead? The men against whose error the apostle wrote, denied, doubtless on philosophical grounds, the possibility of a resurrection from the dead. He proceeds to show, first, that such a denial involves the denial of Christ's resurrection, and consequently of the gospel itself with all the hopes that are built on it, 1Co 15:13-19,29-32; secondly, that the certain fact of Christ's resurrection is an earnest and pledge of our resurrection also, verse 1Co 15:20-28. He then proceeds further to meet objections to the doctrine, and make various explanations and revelations concerning it. Vain; useless, because not true. Your faith is vain; it cannot save you.

Ye are yet in your sins; unpardoned, because no one can be pardoned except through the atonement and righteousness of Christ, which, if he has not risen from the dead, never has been accepted; and there is no way of salvation, except by one's own works, which to sinful man is impossible.
Fallen asleep in Christ; died believing in Christ's resurrection, and expecting to be saved through him.

Are perished; since no salvation has been provided for them, they have died under the curse of God's law, which is the death of the soul.
Most miserable; because we have exposed ourselves to all manner of sufferings and hardships to no purpose, and all our hopes are destined to end in disappointment. Now is Christ risen; the apostle comes now to the triumphant assertion of the fact, the proof of which he has already stated.

First-fruits; a pledge that all united by faith to Christ would rise again.

Them that slept; the pious dead. Elsewhere he affirms the resurrection of both the just and unjust, Ac 24:15; but here he dwells more particularly on the resurrection of the dead in Christ. That Christ arose from the dead, God has shown to be certain, and with equal certainty that all his people who die will rise also.
By man; Adam.

By man; Jesus Christ.
In Adam all die; all having become sinners through him, as is stated in Ro 5:12,17-19.

In Christ shall all be made alive; he shall raise to life the whole human family, Joh 5:28,29; but here the apostle has especially in view the resurrection of the righteous.
Christ the first-fruits; he is the first who rose from the dead to die no more; and his resurrection was a sure pledge that his people at is coming will likewise rise, to live and reign with him for ever. Mt 25:34,46; Joh 14:19.
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