1 John 2:20

Ye; real Christians.

An unction; anointing, or the enlightening and sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit.

All things; all things essential to your preservation from fatal error, and your perseverance in the faith and practice of the gospel.

1 John 2:27

The anointing; see notes to verse 1Jo 2:20. This anointing teaches us not without, but through the revealed word of God; and whoever lays claim to it must be tried by this word.

Shall abide in him; being kept from the seductions of the wicked. The reason why real Christians persevere in holiness to the end is, that the Holy Ghost continues to teach them the good and the right way, and to incline them to walk in it. When they deviate from it, he leads them to think on their ways, and turn their feet unto God's testimonies. Thus he works in them to will and to do, while they work out their salvation with fear and trembling, and so keeps them by his mighty power, through faith and obedience, unto eternal life.
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