Acts 12:2

James; one of the sons of Zebedee, Mt 4:21, called James the greater, or senior, to distinguish him from James the less, or younger, who was the son of Alpheus. Mt 10:3; Mr 15:40. No degree of piety or usefulness can always save Christians from persecution, or from sudden and violent death. Yet the wicked, while they thus seek to destroy the people of God, are often made instrumental in delivering them from all trouble, and putting them into immediate possession of the joys of heaven.

Acts 12:23

Gave not God the glory; he did not rebuke their impious flattery, but was glad to be called a god, and receive divine honors. Jehovah is a jealous God. Those who claim or consent to receive honors due only to him, or to assume any of his prerogatives, he views with peculiar abhorrence. Yet Jesus Christ received divine honors, and pronounces those blessed who bestow them. In him the Father is well pleased, and he commands all the angels in heaven to worship him. Of course he must be God. Joh 1:1; Heb 1:8; 1Joh 5:20.
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