Acts 17:24-28

Dwelleth not in temples, according to the heathen idea of a local and limited presence. He is not confined to any place, but fills all places. Hath made of one blood; caused all men to spring from one family.

Times--bounds; the countries where they should live, and the periods during which they should occupy them. As all the human race are the offspring, and are under the government of one common Father, they are all brethren of one family, and are bound to treat one another as such. Each has rights given him by his heavenly Father, of which no man or body of men can deprive him, without deep injustice against a brother, and flagrant rebellion against God.
Seek the Lord; the object of God in creation and providence is, that men may know, worship, and enjoy him. This they may do, for he is everywhere present, sustaining, upholding, and governing all things. Your own poets; Aratus of Cilicia, a Greek poet who lived more than three hundred years before, and Cleanthes, who lived about the same time, and was successor of Zeno the founder of the Stoics, both expressed the sentiment referred to; and Aratus expressed it in the very words which Paul quotes.
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