Acts 24

Tertullus; a lawyer employed to plead against Paul. Pestilent fellow; literally, a pest. Eloquence may be employed in propagating falsehood and promoting wickedness. It then becomes a world of iniquity, setting on fire the course of nature, being set on fire of hell. Jas 3:5-10. Profane the temple; chap Ac 21:27-30. Lysias; chap Ac 21:31-40; 23:26-30. Christians rejoice to state facts and proclaim truth before those who are capable of judging. They are friends of free discussion, knowing that from it truth has nothing to fear. Though falsehood may be specious, and when set off with the trappings of oratory, may for a time prevail, truth stated in its native simplicity, and shining with its own brightness, will ultimately triumph. The way; in the Acts of the Apostles the Christian religion is commonly called "the way," chap Ac 9:2; Ac 19:9. etc.

Heresy; the original word signifies rather, sect, that is, schismatic party. So the Jews falsely and reproachfully called the Christians.
Have hope; of a resurrection. An abiding conviction of the certainty of a resurrection, and of a future retribution according to the deeds done in the body, tends powerfully to keep the conscience awake, and to lead men habitually to do right; while the disbelief of those truths removes a powerful restraint against doing wrong. I exercise myself; habitually strive.

A conscience void of offence; one that shall accuse me of no departure from duty towards God or man.
Purified; according to the ceremonies of the Mosaic law. Chap Ac 21:26-28. Council; chap Ac 23:1-10. That way; the Christian way. See note to verse Ac 24:14.

Deferred; put off the further hearing of the case till Lysias should arrive. Whether Felix was sincere in this delay appears doubtful from his conduct as recorded in verses Ac 24:26,27.
Drusilla; she was daughter of the first Herod Agrippa; was married to Azizus king of Emesa, but afterwards left him, and became the wife of Felix. Righteousness; doing right towards God and man.

Temperance; the proper regulation of the appetites and passions.

Judgment to come; the future general judgment, when all will receive from Christ according to their works. Chap Ac 17:31; Mt 25:31-46.

Felix trembled; in view of his sins, and his prospects at the coming judgment.

A convenient season; such a season does not seem ever to have arrived. When conviction of sin produces fearful forebodings of coming wrath, different persons take opposite courses. One inquires, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" The Lord shows him, leads him to do it, and he is saved. Chap Ac 9:6. Another dismisses the subject, continues in known sin, and goes down to perdition. "To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts." "He that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy." Heb 3:7,8; Pr 29:1.
Money--given; as a bribe, to induce him to release Paul. Worldly minded and covetous men may seek to make even the preaching of the gospel a means of adding to their unrighteous gain. Such place themselves in a position where there is little hope that even the plainest and most faithful exhibitions of the truth can profit them. Came into Felix's room; succeeded him in office.

Willing to show the Jews a pleasure; Felix knew that they had just grounds of accusing himself as governor to the Roman emperor, and he took this unrighteous way of conciliating their good will.

Left Paul bound; detained him as a prisoner, though justice required his release. One unrighteous deed on the part of a ruler places him in the power of the wicked, who will compel him to buy their favor by further acts of injustice.
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