Hebrews 9:7-8

The second; second apartment, called the most holy.

Once; that is, on one day. He entered the most holy place on that day several times. Le 16:12,15.

Blood; that of the victims offered in sacrifice. Le 16:2-19,34.
Into the holiest of all; that is, into God's presence. It was in the most holy place between the cherubim that he had his earthly dwelling-place under the Mosaic economy. See not to chap Heb 6:19. It was not yet revealed how men could approach God with acceptance. As a sign of this, his earthly abode was concealed by a veil, and could be approached only once a year by the high-priest, and that not without blood. But when Christ died the veil was rent, Mt 27:51, and thenceforward all his disciples became "a royal priesthood," having admission, through his blood, into the true holy of holies.

The first tabernacle; that is, as in verses Heb 9:2, 6, the outer tabernacle, which represents the whole Mosaic dispensation.

Was standing; that is, standing as a valid ordinance of God's appointment, and thus barring the way to the holy of holies. This continued till the rending of the veil at Christ's death. The Jewish ritual was full of meaning. God designed by it to teach men their pollution by sin, their need of spiritual cleansing, and the way in which this would be obtained, through the shedding of the blood of Christ and the renewing influences of his Spirit. Many were led by it to depend on Christ and obtain salvation through him. Heb 11:13-16.

Hebrews 10:19-20

Into the holiest; into the true holy of holies; that is, into God's presence in heaven.

By the blood of Jesus; which has already been presented there in our behalf.
Living way; of which life is the attribute--which conducts those who are spiritually alive to life eternal; in contrast with the way of dead works, in which those who are dead in trespasses and sins walk onward to eternal death.

Consecrated for us; initiated and dedicated as a new way in our behalf.

Through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; as the earthly holy of holies was entered through the veil, so we have access to the heavenly holy of holies, that is, to God's presence in heaven itself, through the flesh of Christ offered as our propitiatory sacrifice for sin.
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