John 14:16-26

Another, Comforter; another than myself, one who shall make good to you the loss of my personal presence. This is the first time that the word "Comforter" is applied, in the Scriptures, to the Holy Ghost. The Greek word, which occurs only in writings of John, means both advocate--as it is rendered in 1Jo 2:1, where it is applied to Christ--and Comforter. The Holy Spirit is the Counsellor and Guide, as well as the Comforter of God's people. The Spirit of truth; the Holy Spirit, who reveals the truth, and works in men to will and to do in obeying it.

The world; men who seek earthly things as their chief good.

Seeth him not; they have no spiritual view of him, do not feel their need of him, or seek his aid.

In you; to enlighten their minds, purify their hearts, show them what they should do, and enable them to do it.
Comfortless; literally, orphans, bereft of my presence, as children of the presence of their father.

Come to you; spiritually, through the Comforter.
Seeth me no more; that is, in my personal presence, the only way in which they are able to see me.

Ye see me; spiritually. See below, ver Joh 14:21-23.
At that day; when the Holy Spirit should come, and they should enjoy not the bodily, but the spiritual presence of the Redeemer. How is it; he supposed that Jesus spoke of his bodily presence. But after the Holy Ghost should come, he would remember and better understand the words of Christ. Love to Jesus Christ will lead a man to obey his commands, and will secure to him the illuminating, purifying, and blissful presence of both the Father and the Son. They shall dwell with him and he with them, and his habitual communion be truly with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. 1Jo 1:3. All things; all things which should be needful to fit them for the duties of their office.

Bring all things to your remembrance; in such a way that he should, at the same time, enlighten them as to their true meaning.

John 15:26

He shall testify of me; to the integrity and divinity of my character, and to the truth and meaning of my teachings.

John 16:7

Expedient; for the gift of the Spirit would be better for the church than the continued personal presence of Christ. Things which men exceedingly deprecate are often highly expedient; and God in accomplishing them consults not only his own glory, but their highest good, and the good of his kingdom.
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