John 3:3

Except a man be born again; our Lord saw that Nicodemus had no true apprehension of the spiritual nature of the kingdom which he had come to establish, nor of the spiritual character required for admission to it. He therefore met his difficulty at the outset by teaching him that all men, be they Jews or Gentiles, must be made new in the inner man by a spiritual birth, before they can enter into his kingdom and enjoy its privileges. To be born again is to be made new men inwardly by a great change from supreme love of the Creator.

See the kingdom of God; understand or enjoy its blessings. Mt 3:2.

2 Corinthians 5:17

In Christ; united to him by faith.

A new creature; created in Christ Jesus unto good works. Eph 2:10; 4:24; Col 3:10.

Old things are passed away; former views and feelings with regard to spiritual things are changed.

Become new; he seeks new ends; has a new rule of action and pursues a new course of conduct; has new joys and new sorrows, new hopes and new fears, new relations and new prospects.
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