Luke 8

Thy faith hath saved thee; faith, "which worketh by love," was the means of her salvation, as it will be of all who exercise it. Mr 16:16 Called Magdalene ; from Magdala, a town south of Capernaum, midway on the western shore of the sea of Galilee. The gospel raises women from the deep degradation of being the slaves to the privilege and honor of being the companions and most valued friends of men; and often to be the most devoted, self-denying, and useful followers of the Lord Jesus. 4-15. Parable of the sower. Mt 13:1-23. The manner in which the Saviour communicates instruction is suited to impart knowledge to those who desire it, who seek for it as men seek for silver, and search for it as they do for hidden treasures; while those who despise it, he leaves in ignorance, darkness, degradation, and death. 16-18. Candle under a bushel. Mr 4:21-25. 19-21. Christ's brethren. Mt 12:46-50. None are so near to Jesus Christ as those who hear the word of God and do it. The union between him and them will live when all other ties are sundered, and will grow more intimate and delightful for ever. 22-25. The tempest on the sea of Gennesaret stilled. Mt 8:23-27. Believers, notwithstanding their union to Christ and his deep interest in their welfare, may nevertheless be in great danger; and nothing will keep them from tormenting fears, but living and habitual faith in him. 26-39. The legion of devils. Mt 8:28-34. Those who regard the possession and security of property more than the presence and favor of Christ, deprive themselves of inestimable blessings; and never, without a great change, can they be prepared for, or become partakers of, the bliss of heaven. 41-56. Jarius' daughter, and the woman with an issue of blood. Mt 9:18-38. That faith in Christ which works by love leads those who have it to apply to him for what they need. And though their case, in the view of men, may be hopeless, in the Saviour they will find sure and all-sufficient aid. Who touched me? said not for his own sake, but to draw out the woman from her privacy, and bring her to an open acknowledgment of him. Came trembling; she had obtained healing from Jesus in a stealthy way; and for this she feared his rebuke.
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