Matthew 12:15-21

Not make him known; he wished to be retired from public view, and do his works of love and mercy as the prophets had foretold that he would, Isa 42:2,3; and thus furnish new evidence that he was the Messiah. Chosen; to be the Messiah.

Show judgment; make known the truth to the Gentiles, and thus bring them into obedience to himself and become their Lord and Judge. Compare Isa 2:2-4; 11:10; 62:2; Mal 1:1, etc.
Not strive, nor cry; not come with outward show, as the Jews expected that he would. Human perfection, as exemplified in Christ, is compassionate, condescending, and kind; meek, lowly, and retiring. It does not unnecessarily awaken the opposition, or intrude upon the attention of others; while it is earnest and affectionate, active and perservering in doing good. A bruised reed; an emblem of persons who are feeble, and crushed with difficulties.

Not break; not oppress or trample them down.

Smoking flax; the wick of the ancient lamps.

Shall he not quench; Christ would not quench, but cherish the feeblest beginnings of true grace.

Unto victory; till his truth and mercy become triumphant.
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