Matthew 12:43-45

Dry places; barren and desolate regions, here considered as the haunts of evil spirits. I will return into my house; into the man in whom he had dwelt.

Empty; not occupied by any other who would keep him out.
Seven; a large or full number.

More wicked; some totally wicked spirits are more wicked than others.

Worse than the first; if men do not grow better under the means of grace, and permit the Holy Spirit to take possession of their hearts, they will grow worse.

This wicked generation; the primary reference of this awful parable is to the Jews of our Lord's day. Much culture had been bestowed by God upon their nation. Under the preaching of John they had recently given promising signs of repentance. But their hearts had remained, like an untenanted house, empty of God's presence and grace; and now the unclean spirit is returning, with seven more wicked spirits, to hurry them on to ruin temporal and eternal. The parable is fulfilled also in all nations and individuals who imitate the conduct of that "wicked generation." A man's heart, by withstanding conclusive evidence, is made harder, and his wickedness increased; so that his character by such a course grown constantly worse, and his last state will be worst of all.
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