Matthew 15:21-28

Coasts of Tyre and Sidon; Zidonia, or Phoenicia, on the Mediterranean coast north of Palestine. Of this country Sidon was the earlier, and Tyre the later emporium. Woman of Canaan; for the Zidonians were descended from Canaan, Ge 10:15. By Mr 7:26, she is also called a Greek, as being a Gentile in her religion; and a Syrophoenician, as belonging to the Syrian Phoenicia, as distinguished from the Libyan Phoenicia of Africa. The Evangelists dwell on her gentile descent, because this was made prominent in our Lord's answer to her. Send her away; by granting her request. I am not sent; the reference of our Lord is here to his personal ministry. See note on chap Mt 10:6. In the Bible, and in the bestowment of his blessings in providence, God makes much of "due time." Men, even good men, are often in great haste. They would do things, if they could, much sooner than God does them; but they would not do them so well. Not meet; not suitable.

Children's bread; that which was designed for the Jews, called children.

Dogs; Gentiles, by the Jews called dogs. This he said to lead the woman to show her true character, which she soon did in a very striking manner.
Eat of the crumbs; as dogs, without robbing the children, eat the crumbs which fall from the table, so she thought she might receive this mercy without injury to any one; and she had the fullest confidence in his power thus to help her. God often delays answering our requests, as a trail of our faith and humility. When these have been brought into exercise, a gracious answer will speedily come.
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