Matthew 17:14-21

Falleth into the fire; in the paroxysms of his disease, under the power of the evil spirit by which he was possessed. Ver Mt 17:18, and Mr 9:17,25,26. The family relation, while it gives us many of our choicest comforts, occasions also many of our deepest sorrows. Suffer you; endure your perverseness and unbelief. Rebuked the devil; bade him depart. Mr 9:25. If ye have faith; the reference here is to that faith with which Christ, in the case of the apostles, connected the working of miracles.

Nothing shall be impossible; no exercise of miraculous power, however great, that may be needful in the prosecution of your apostolic work. The spirit of this promise applies to all Christ's servants in all ages. No hinderance to their work can be so great that faith cannot overcome it. Had men higher views of Christ, greater confidence in him, and more entire devotion to his service, they might receive much more good themselves, and be instrumental of much greater good to others.
This kind; this kind of evil spirit. The words imply its great power and malice.

Prayer and fasting; that faith which was necessary to work such a miracle, could not be obtained without much self-denial and prayer.
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