Matthew 22:23-33

No resurrection; of the body after death. They denied any existence of the soul after death, and consequently any reunion of soul and body in a future resurrection. Seed; children, who should be called after his brother, that no family in Israel might become extinct. Whose wife; they thought the resurrection absurd, and that this difficulty would prove its absurdity. The difficulties which men bring forward, in order to show that doctrines revealed in the Bible are false, are often difficulties of their own making, and spring from ignorance of the Scriptures, not from these doctrines as God has revealed them. The doctrines of the immortality of the soul and of the resurrection of the body were both taught in the Old Testament; as was also the obligation of men to love God with all the heart, and their neighbors as themselves. By Christ these truths were revealed with greater clearness, but the great requirements of both Testaments are substantially the same. Toughing the resurrection; in proof from the Bible of the resurrection.

Have ye not read, Ex 3:6,15. The manner in which God spoke of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, showed they were still alive, in opposition to the doctrine of the Sadducees. And as Jehovah was then the God of their living souls, he would in due time raise their bodies incorruptible and immortal.
Astonished; to witness his acquaintance with the scriptures, and the wisdom and justice of his application of them.
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