Matthew 24:29-35

Shall the sun be darkened; on the twofold reference of these words, see the introductory note to the chapter. From this point onward the form of the prophecy has more immediate reference to Christ's final coming, yet not so as to exclude its earlier fulfilment. The language which Christ used to describe his coming in his providence to separate the righteous from the wicked at the destruction of Jerusalem, and the end of the Jewish commonwealth, was designed and strikingly adapted to carry our minds forward to his coming at the end of the world, when before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. Chap Mt 25:32. The sign of the Son of man in heaven; the sign of his speedy coming.

Shall see the Son of man; fulfilled in a lower figurative sense when Christ came providentially to destroy the Jewish city and nation: to be fulfilled in the highest sense at his final personal coming. The same is true of the gathering together of his elect, mentioned in the following verse.
This generation shall not pass--be fulfilled; that is, in the nearer event foretold. See the introductory note to the chapter.
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