Matthew 24:36

That day; the day of "The coming of the Son of man," ver Mt 24:37; 2Ti 1:12,18. Christ did not tell them when it would be, and none but God know. He warned them to be prepared for it, and to be always ready.

Mark 13:32

Neither the Son; it was said to Mary, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore"--on account of his miraculous conception by the power of God--"that holy thing," or child "shall be called the Son of God." Lk 1:35. The Son, as born of the Virgin Mary, or as man, might be said, in truth, not to know many things which the Word, who "was in the beginning with God, and was God," did know. Joh 1:1-3. The day here spoken of was one of those things which the Son, as man, in the sense in which it is said, he "increased in wisdom," Lk 2:52, did not know; as man, he neither knew, nor was commissioned to make it known. Nothing but the event would reveal it.
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