Matthew 26:39-56

This cup; the anguish he was enduring and was to endure. Unto Peter; who had just before been so strong in his professions of fidelity to his Master. That ye enter not into temptation; that is, so as to be overcome by it; for the hour of the Saviour's suffering was also to be that of the fiery trial of his disciples. Compare Lu 22:31.

The spirit; "the inward man." This was animiated by sincere love towards the Saviour.

The flesh; used here to denote all that weakness of fallen nature which makes it liable to be overcome by temptation.
The sufferings of Jesus Christ, when he bore our sins in his own body on the tree, and tasted death for every man, were inexpressibly great. The Father said, "Awake, O sword, against my Shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow: smite the Shepherd." Zec 13:7. His soul was made "an offering for sin," and as such it "pleased the Lord to bruise him" and "put him to grief." Isa 53:10. Sleep on--take your rest; see note to Mr 14:41. One of them; Peter. Twelve legions; a Roman legion varied in number in different ages. In our Saviour's time it seems to have consisted of six thousand men. The idea is, vast multitudes. Scriptures; Ps 22:1,18; Isa 53:3-10; Da 9:24-26; Zec 13:7.

It must be; in order to fulfil the scriptures, and finish the work of redemption.
Forsook him; this was what Jesus meant by their being offended, and what he had foretold in verse Mt 26:31.
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