Matthew 27:33-56

A place called Golgotha; without the city. Heb 13:12. Golgotha means a skull; but why the place bore this name is not agreed. Vinegar--mingled with gall; Mark names "wine mingled with myrrh," an intensely bitter substance. Though it may have been intended as a stupefying draught, it still belonged to the process of a bloody, ignominious, and agonizing death. Thus was fulfilled the prophecy in Ps 69:21. In persecuting the Saviour, accusing and condemning him; in giving him vinegar and gall to drink, parting his garments among them and casting lots on his vesture, and never ceasing to afflict him till he gave up the ghost, all concerned were free and accountable; and though doing it with wicked hands and wicked hearts, they were fulfilling the predictions of God, and thus proving that Jesus was the Messiah. Casting lots; to determine which soldier should have the garment. Ps 22:18. Watched him; this was customary, to see that none should come and take down those who were crucified till it was ordered. Two thieves; thus he was numbered with the transgressors, according to Isa 53:12. Destroyed the temple; their false accusation, Mt 26:61; Joh 2:19-21. King of Israel; the Messiah. Cast the same in his teeth; they upbraided him in the same way. Sixth hour; twelve o'clock noon.

Ninth hour; three o'clock in the afternoon.
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani; a phrase in the Chaldaic language, as then spoken in Judea, explained in the last part of the verse. Ps 22:1. Yielded up the ghost; gave up his life. Jesus Christ retained his life and endured his agony till he had finished the work which God gave him to do. He suffered all that was needful in order to become the author of eternal salvation to all who believe on him. He then voluntarily gave up his life. Veil of the temple; which separated the most holy place from the other parts of the temple. By this was signified that now the way into God's presence was opened by the blood of Christ. Heb 9:7,8; 10:19,20. The rending veil of the temple, the quaking earth, the bursting rocks, the opening graves, and the rising dead, all testified to the greatness of the event of the Saviour's death; and heaven and earth seemed to sympathize with their expiring Lord. Which slept; who were dead.

Arose; not now, but, as is added in the next verse, after his resurrection. These were the earnest of the general resurrection at the last day. The whole transaction was designed to show that through the resurrection of Christ his disciples shall also attain to a glorious resurrection.
The holy city; Jerusalem. Centurion; the Roman officer in command on that occasion.

This was the Son of God; as he had professed to be. The object of God in suffering the wickedness of men, is totally different from theirs in committing it. They mean it for evil, and it is evil, and they are evil in committing it; and without repentance and forgiveness, they will be for ever punished as evil-doers. But God means to overrule it, and he will overrule it for good. In all that he suffers to be done, as well as in all that he does himself, he is good. Joseph, Mordecai, Daniel and his three friends, and Christ and his disciples, are all striking illustrations of this great and momentous truth. Chap. Mt 28:18; Ge 50:20; Es 7:10; Da 3:20,30; 6:16,28.
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