Matthew 3:11

He; Jesus Christ.

Not worthy; though among all who were born of women none were greater in condition and honor than John. Mt 11:11, yet so much greater was Jesus Christ, even in his deepest humiliation, that John was not worthy to untie, or carry his shoe.

Holy Ghost; by his Spirit he will purify all who believe in him, as gold is purified by the fire. The greatest and most honorable among men are so much less honorable than the Lord Jesus Christ, that they are not worthy to perform for him the most lowly service.

Mark 1:8

Luke 3:16

16-22. John's imprisonment--Christ baptized. Mt 14:1-13; 3:13-17

John 1:33

I knew him not; John may have had a personal acquaintance with Jesus, but he did not know him as the one that was to baptize with the Holy Ghost. He was not authorized to say of Jesus, This is the one of whom I spoke, till he had received from God the sign named in this verse.

He that sent me; God.

Which baptized with the Holy Ghost; whose it is to give both the ordinary and the miraculous influences of the Spirit.
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