Matthew 5:39

Resist not evil; by rendering like for like. It is the spirit of kindness and forgiveness towards those who injure us which our Lord here inculcates. The forgiveness of injuries, and not the avenging of them, is an exhibition of true greatness and goodness.

Matthew 6:12-15

Debts; sins.

Debtors; those who have trepassed against us.
Lead us not into temptation; keep us from being tempted, or if tempted, deliver us from the temptation, and from all evil.

Thine is the kingdom; the reign, for the coming of which we pray, is thine; and the glory of its accomplishment will be thine for ever.

Amen; so be it.
An unforgiving temper, if continued, will shut a man out of heaven, and shut him up in hell.

Matthew 18:21-35

However numerous or aggravated are the offences of any brother, if he give evidence of penitence by confessing and forsaking his sins, all are bound to forgive him. Seventy times seven; we are not to limit our forgiveness to any definite number of offences, but to forgive as often as we are injured. The kingdom of heaven; the dealings of Christ with men in the end of the world and the day of judgment, which were to usher in the last and crowning stage of his mediatorial dispensation. See Mt 3:2; 1Co 15:24, etc. Ten thousand talents; an immense sum, which he could never pay. To be sold; it was customary then for creditors to sell debtors and their families for a sufficient length of time to pay their debts. A hundred pence; a very small sum compared with ten thousand talents. Tormentors; those who had authority to examine and extort confessions by torture. Do also unto you; if we do not forgive others, God will not forgive us, but will punish us as we deserve. An unforgiving spirit is the spirit of perdition.
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