Matthew 7:7-11

Ask; in every thing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.

Seek; continue to ask of God the blessings which you need.

Knock; at the door of his mercy and grace, with sincerity and earnestness, in the way of his appointment, and you shall be admitted to communion with him: in his light you will see light, and of his fulness receive according to all your wants. Men, in order to judge and act rightly with regard to their duty to themselves and their fellow-men, need wisdom and strength from above: they should therefore habitually ask them of God; and those who do this in dependence on Jesus Christ, may expect, for his sake, to receive them.
Every one; all who rightly ask, receive either what they ask or something better in its place. Good gifts; things which are needed and truly beneficial. The readiness of a kind, affectionate parent to give necessary food to a famishing child, is but a faint emblem of the readiness of God to give all needed good to those who rightly ask him.
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