Matthew 8:28-34

The other side; the east side of the sea of Galilee.

Gergesenes; the region in which was situated the city of Gergesa, and also that of Gadara, mentioned Mr 5:1.

The tombs; these among the Jews were often excavations in hills and rocks, sometimes of great extent, with many apartments, which afforded shelter to those who had no better accommodations. The power and malice of unclean spirits is inconceivably great. It should be to us a matter of devout gratitude that they are made subject to the authority of Christ, and can harm none that put their trust in him.
Before the time; the day of judgment, the time appointed by God for their final torments. Even devils knew that God would fulfil his word, in punishing them at his own appointed time. Go; by this permission the reality of the existence of unclean spirits, and their terrible power and malice, were manifested in a most striking way. Besought him that he would depart; probably from fear lest his miraculous power should work them still greater worldly losses. Men who are not literally "possessed of devils," may still be influenced by evil spirits; and when so influenced, they are opposed to Christ, and wish him to depart from them. Covetousness leads men to act in the same way; and so debases them, that they prefer any thing by which they can make money, to the presence and glory of the Saviour.

Matthew 26:53

Twelve legions; a Roman legion varied in number in different ages. In our Saviour's time it seems to have consisted of six thousand men. The idea is, vast multitudes.
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