Psalms 119:18

Psalms 119:25

1 Corinthians 2:14

The natural man; the same as he who is after the flesh, and minds the things of the flesh, Ro 8:5; the man who is unenlightened by the Holy Spirit, who does not love the truth, and is the willing slave of sin.

Receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; does not rightly apprehend or appreciate them.

They are foolishness; they appear foolish.

Neither can he know them; he needs to be renewed and enlightened by the Holy Spirit. As without spiritual discernment no man will rightly apprehend or suitably treat the things which God has revealed, and as the author of this discernment is the Holy Spirit, all should seek his teaching; and not only attend to the words in which he communicates divine truth, but ask him to show them his meaning, cause it to make the right impression, and be the means of spiritual life to their souls. Ps 119:18; Joh 6:63.
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