Romans 12:3-8

Through the grace given unto me; by virtue of my apostolic office, for which the grace of God has furnished me.

To think soberly; by forming a just estimate of himself and his gifts, as compared with his brethren and their gifts.

To every man the measure of faith; thus qualifying him for some services, but not for others.
All members have not the same office; the eye, for instance, cannot perform the office of the ear, nor the hand that of the foot. The perfection of the whole depends upon the perfection of each organ; so with the spiritual body, the church of Christ. We; Christians.

One body in Christ; he is the head, and we are the members of his one body. The perfection of each member and of the whole body of Christ, depends, not upon all being alike, or doing the same things, but upon all being in their proper places, and doing each his appropriate work.
Gifts differing according to the grace that is given; God graciously bestows upon different members of the church different talents and gifts, and all are to use them according to his will.

Prophecy; this was one of the spiritual gifts. See note 1Co 12:28.

According to the proportion of faith; the same as "the measure of faith," verse Ro 12:3. Let him keep himself within the limit of the spiritual qualifications bestowed on him by God.
Or ministry; that is, or having ministry for his gift. Ministry is here ministering to the wants of the brethren, as distinct from prophesying and teaching.

Let us wait on our ministering; occupy ourselves with it in a humble and contented spirit.
Giveth; for the relief of others.

With simplicity; singleness of aim, purity of motive, without selfish ends.

Ruleth; directeth the concerns of the church.

Showeth mercy; by attending on and assisting the sick, sorrowful, and distressed.

With cheerfulness; with a kind, patient disposition, which will greatly increase the pleasure and benefit of his assistance.
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