Esther 1:1-10

1These events took place during the days of Ahasuerus,
= Xerxes; he reigned 486-465 b.c.
b who ruled 127 provinces c from India
= modern Pakistan
Cush/ Cushite: The lands of the Nile in southern Egypt, including Nubia and Northern Sudan; the people who lived in that region
2In those days King Ahasuerus reigned from his royal throne f in the fortress at Susa. g 3He held a feast h in the third year of his reign for all his officials and staff, the army of Persia and Media, i the nobles, j and the officials from the provinces. 4He displayed the glorious wealth of his kingdom and the magnificent splendor of his greatness k for a total of 180 days.

5At the end of this time, the king held a week-long banquet l in the garden courtyard m of the royal palace n for all the people, from the greatest to the least, o who were present in the fortress of Susa. p 6 White and violet linen hangings were fastened with fine white and purple linen cords to silver rods on marble
Or alabaster
columns. Gold and silver couches r were arranged on a mosaic pavement of red feldspar,
Or of porphyry
Or alabaster
mother-of-pearl, and precious stones.

7Beverages were served in an array of gold goblets, u each with a different design. Royal wine flowed freely, according to the king’s bounty v 8and no restraint was placed on the drinking. The king had ordered every wine steward in his household to serve as much as each person wanted. 9 Queen Vashti also gave a feast for the women of King Ahasuerus’s palace.

10On the seventh day, when the king was feeling good from the wine, w Ahasuerus commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, x Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethar, and Carkas, the seven eunuchs y who personally served him,
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