Leviticus 7:12

Psalms 50:14

Psalms 50:23

Psalms 69:30-31

Psalms 107:22

Psalms 116:17

Hosea 14:2

Ephesians 5:20

20You will always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.Ps 34:1; Isa 63:7; Col 3:17; 1Thes 5:18; 2Thes 1:3; Heb 13:15; 1Pet 2:5; 4:11

1 Peter 2:5

5you, too, as living stones, are building yourselves up into a spiritual house and a holy priesthood, so that you may offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.Isa 61:6; 66:21; Hos 14:2; Mal 1:11; Rom 12:1; Eph 2:21-22; Phil 4:18; Heb 3:6; 13:15-16; 1Pet 4:11; 2:9
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