Matthew 9:9-13

9Jesus Calls Matthew Mark 2:13-17; Luke 5:27-32As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's desk and said to him, “Follow me.” So he got up and followed him.Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27

10While he was having dinner at Matthew's
Lit. the
home, many tax collectors and sinners arrived and began eating with Jesus and his disciples.Mark 2:15; Luke 5:29
11The Pharisees saw this and said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”Matt 11:19; Luke 5:30; 15:2; Gal 2:15

12When Jesus
Lit. he
heard that, he said, “Healthy people don't need a physician, but sick people do.
13Go and learn what this means: ‘I want mercy and not sacrifice.’
Hos 6:6
For I did not come to call righteous people, but sinners.”Hos 6:6; Mic 6:6-8; Matt 12:7; 1Tim 1:15

Luke 5:27-32

27Jesus Calls Levi Matthew 9:9-13; Mark 2:13-17After that, Jesus
Lit. he
went out and saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax collector's desk. He said to him, “Follow me!”Matt 9:9; Mark 2:13-14
28So Levi
Lit. he
left everything behind, got up, and followed him.

29Then Levi gave a large banquet at his home for Jesus.
Lit. him
A large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them.Matt 9:10; Mark 2:15; Luke 15:1
30The Pharisees and their scribes started complaining to Jesus’
Lit. his
disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”

31But Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don't need a physician, but sick people do. 32I have not come to call righteous people, but sinners, to repentance.”Matt 9:13; 1Tim 1:15

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