Proverbs 8:15-16

Daniel 2:21

Daniel 4:32

John 19:11

11Jesus answered him, “You have no authority over me at all, except what was given to you from above. That's why the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”Luke 22:53; John 7:30

Titus 3:1

1Concentrate on Doing What Is Good

Remind believers
Lit. them
to submit themselves to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, and to be ready to do any honorable kind of work.Rom 13:1; Col 1:10; 2Tim 2:21; Heb 13:21; 1Pet 2:13

1 Peter 2:13

13For the Lord's sake submit yourselves to every human authority: whether to the king as supreme,Matt 22:21; Rom 13:1; Titus 3:1
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