1 Corinthians 12:3

     3. The negative and positive criteria of inspiration by the Spirit—the rejection or confession of Jesus as Lord [ALFORD] (1Jo 4:2; 5:1). Paul gives a test of truth against the Gentiles; John, against the false prophets.

      by the Spirit—rather, as Greek, "IN the Spirit"; that being the power pervading him, and the element in which he speaks [ALFORD], (Mt 16:17; Joh 15:26).

      of God . . . Holy—The same Spirit is called at one time "the Spirit of GOD"; at another, "the HOLY Ghost," or "Holy Spirit." Infinite Holiness is almost synonymous with Godhead.

      speaking . . . say—"Speak" implies the act of utterance; "say" refers to that which is uttered. Here, "say" means a spiritual and believing confession of Him.

      Jesus—not an abstract doctrine, but the historical, living God-man (Ro 10:9).

      accursed—as the Jews and Gentiles treated Him (Ga 3:13). Compare "to curse Christ" in the heathen PLINY'S letter [Epistles, 10.97]. The spiritual man feels Him to be the Source of all blessings (Eph 1:3) and to be severed from Him is to be accursed (Ro 9:3).

      Lord—acknowledging himself as His servant (Isa 26:13). "Lord" is the Septuagint translation for the incommunicable Hebrew name JEHOVAH.

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