1 Peter 4:19

     19. General conclusion from 1Pe 4:17, 18. Seeing that the godly know that their sufferings are by God's will, to chasten them that they may not perish with the world, they have good reason to trust God cheerfully amidst sufferings, persevering in well-doing.

      let themGreek, "let them also," "let even them," as well as those not suffering. Not only under ordinary circumstances, but also in time of suffering, let believers commit. (Compare Note, see on 1Pe 3:14).

      according to the will of God—(See on 1Pe 3:17). God's will that the believer should suffer (1Pe 4:17), is for his good. One oldest manuscript and Vulgate read, "in well-doings"; contrast ill-doings, 1Pe 4:15. Our committing of ourselves to God is to be, not in indolent and passive quietism, but accompanied with active well-doings.

      faithful—to His covenant promises.

      Creator—who is therefore also our Almighty Preserver. He, not we, must keep our souls. Sin destroyed the original spiritual relation between creature and Creator, leaving that only of government. Faith restores it; so that the believer, living to the will of God (1Pe 4:2), rests implicitly on his Creator's faithfulness.

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