Acts 7:58

     58. cast him out of the city—according to Le 24:14; Nu 15:35; 1Ki 21:13; and see Heb 13:12.

      and stoned—"proceeded to stone" him. The actual stoning is recorded in Ac 7:59.

      and the witnesses—whose hands were to be first upon the criminal (De 17:7).

      laid down their clothes—their loose outer garments, to have them taken charge of.

      at a young man's feet whose name was Saul—How thrilling is this our first introduction to one to whom Christianity—whether as developed in the New Testament or as established in the world—owes more perhaps than to all the other apostles together! Here he is, having perhaps already a seat in the Sanhedrim, some thirty years of age, in the thick of this tumultuous murder of a distinguished witness for Christ, not only "consenting unto his death" (Ac 8:1), but doing his own part of the dark deed.

Acts 21:39

     39. a citizen of no mean city—(See on Ac 16:37).

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