Ecclesiastes 4:1

     1. returned—namely, to the thought set forth (Ec 3:16; Job 35:9).

      power—MAURER, not so well, "violence."

      no comforter—twice said to express continued suffering without any to give comfort (Isa 53:7).

Romans 12:15

     15. Rejoice with them that rejoice; and weep—the "and" should probably be omitted.

      with them that weep—What a beautiful spirit of sympathy with the joys and sorrows of others is here inculcated! But it is only one charming phase of the unselfish character which belongs to all living Christianity. What a world will ours be when this shall become its reigning spirit! Of the two, however, it is more easy to sympathize with another's sorrows than his joys, because in the one case he needs us; in the other not. But just for this reason the latter is the more disinterested, and so the nobler.

Philippians 2:4

     4. The oldest manuscripts read, "Not looking each of you (plural, Greek) on his own things (that is, not having regard solely to them), but each of you on the things of others" also. Compare Php 2:21; also Paul's own example (Php 1:24).

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