Habakkuk 2:11

     11. stone . . . cry out—personification. The very stones of thy palace built by rapine shall testify against thee (Lu 19:40).

      the beam out of the timber—the crossbeam or main rafter connecting the timbers in the walls.

      shall answer it—namely, the stone. The stone shall begin and the crossbeam continue the cry against thy rapine.

Luke 19:40

     40. the stones, &c.—Hitherto the Lord had discouraged all demonstrations in His favor; latterly He had begun an opposite course; on this one occasion He seems to yield His whole soul to the wide and deep acclaim with a mysterious satisfaction, regarding it as so necessary a part of the regal dignity in which as Messiah He for this last time entered the city, that if not offered by the vast multitude, it would have been wrung out of the stones rather than be withheld (Hab 2:11).

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