Isaiah 34:1-2

     1. All creation is summoned to hear God's judgments (Eze 6:3; De 32:1; Ps 50:4; Mic 6:1, 2), for they set forth His glory, which is the end of creation (Re 15:3; 4:11).

      that come forth of it—answering to "all that is therein"; or Hebrew, "all whatever fills it," Margin.

     2. utterly destroyed—rather, "doomed them to an utter curse" [HORSLEY].

      delivered—rather, "appointed."

Isaiah 34:4

     4. (Ps 102:26; Joe 2:31; 3:15; Mt 24:29).

      dissolved— (2Pe 3:10-12). Violent convulsions of nature are in Scripture made the images of great changes in the human world (Isa 24:19-21), and shall literally accompany them at the winding up of the present dispensation.

      scroll—Books were in those days sheets of parchment rolled together (Re 6:14).

      fall down—The stars shall fall when the heavens in which they are fixed pass away.

      fig tree— (Re 6:13).

Isaiah 34:8-10

     8. recompenses for the controversy of Zion—that is, the year when God will retaliate on those who have contended with Zion. Her controversy is His. Edom had thought to extend its borders by laying hold of its neighbor's lands and has instigated Babylon to cruelty towards fallen Judah (Ps 137:7; Eze 36:5); therefore Edom shall suffer the same herself (La 4:21, 22). The final winding up of the controversy between God and all enemies of Him and His people is also foreshadowed (Isa 61:2; 63:4; 66:14-16; Mal 4:1, 3; 2Th 1:7, 8, 9; Re 11:18; 18:20; 19:2).

     9. Images from the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah (Ge 19:24-28; so De 29:23; Jer 49:17, 18).

     10. It—The burning pitch, &c. (Isa 34:9).

      smoke . . . for ever— (Re 14:11; 18:18; 19:3).

      generation to generation— (Mal 1:4).

      none . . . pass through—Edom's original offense was: they would not let Israel pass through their land in peace to Canaan: God recompenses them in kind, no traveller shall pass through Edom. VOLNEY, the infidel, was forced to confirm the truth of this prophecy: "From the reports of the Arabs, southeast of the Dead Sea, within three days' journey are upwards of thirty ruined towns, absolutely deserted."

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