Isaiah 34:6

     6. filled—glutted. The image of a sacrifice is continued.

      blood . . . fat—the parts especially devoted to God in a sacrifice (2Sa 1:22).

      lambs . . . goatssacrificial animals: the Idumeans, of all classes, doomed to slaughter, are meant (Zep 1:7).

      Bozrah—called Bostra by the Romans, &c., assigned in Jer 48:24 to Moab, so that it seems to have been at one time in the dominion of Edom, and at another in that of Moab (Isa 63:1; Jer 49:13, 20, 22); it was strictly not in Edom, but the capital of Auranitis (the Houran). Edom seems to have extended its dominion so as to include it (compare La 4:21).

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