Isaiah 43:5-7

     5. (De 30:3).

      seed—descendants scattered in all lands. VITRINGA understands it of the spiritual "seed" of the Church produced by mystical regeneration: for the expression is, "bring," not "bring back." This sense is perhaps included, but not to the exclusion of the literal Israel's restoration (Jer 30:10, 11; Am 9:9; Zec 2:6-13).

     6. Give up—namely, My people.

      sons . . . daughters—The feminine joined to the masculine expresses the complete totality of anything (Zec 9:17).

     7. called by my name—belong to Israel, whose people, as sons of God, bear the name of their Father (Isa 44:5; 48:1).

      for my glory— (Isa 43:21; Isa 29:23).

Isaiah 49:12

     12. Sinim—The Arabians and other Asiatics called China Sin, or Tchin; the Chinese had no special name for themselves, but either adopted that of the reigning dynasty or some high-sounding titles. This view of "Sinim" suits the context which requires a people to be meant "from far," and distinct from those "from the north and from the west" [GESENIUS].

Isaiah 49:17-18

     17. Thy children—Israel (Isa 49:20, 21; Isa 43:6). JEROME reads, for "Thy children," "Thy builders"; they that destroyed thee shall hasten to build thee.

      haste—to rebuild thy desolate capital.

      shall go forth—Thy destroyers shall leave Judea to Israel in undisturbed possession.

     18. As Zion is often compared to a bride (Isa 54:5), so the accession of converts is like bridal ornaments ("jewels," Isa 62:3; Mal 3:17). Her literal children are, however, more immediately meant, as the context refers to their restoration; and only secondarily to her spiritual children by conversion to Christ. Israel shall be the means of the final complete conversion of the nations (Mic 5:7; Ro 11:12, 15).

      as a bride—namely, binds on her ornaments.

Ezekiel 37:21

Hosea 3:5

     5. Afterward—after the long period ("many days," Ho 3:4) has elapsed.

      return—from their idols to "their God," from whom they had wandered.

      David their king—Israel had forsaken the worship of Jehovah at the same time that they forsook their allegiance to David's line. Their repentance towards God is therefore to be accompanied by their return to the latter. So Judah and Israel shall be one, and under "one head," as is also foretold (Ho 1:11). That representative and antitype of David is Messiah. "David" means "the beloved." Compare as to Messiah, Mt 3:17; Eph 1:6. Messiah is called David (Isa 55:3, 4; Jer 30:9; Eze 34:23, 24; 37:24, 25).

      fear the Lord and his goodness—that is, tremblingly flee to the Lord, to escape from the wrath to come; and to His goodness," as manifested in Messiah, which attracts them to Him (Jer 31:12). The "fear" is not that which "hath torment" (1Jo 4:18), but reverence inspired by His goodness realized in the soul (Ps 130:4).

      the latter days—those of Messiah [KIMCHI].

Amos 9:14-15

     14. build the waste cities— (Isa 61:4; Eze 36:33-36).

     15. plant them . . . no more be pulled up— (Jer 32:41).

      thy God—Israel's; this is the ground of their restoration, God's original choice of them as His.

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