Isaiah 54:1

     1. Sing—for joy (Zep 3:14).

      barren—the Jewish Church once forsaken by God, and therefore during that time destitute of spiritual children (Isa 54:6).

      didst not bear—during the Babylonian exile primarily. Secondarily, and chiefly, during Israel's present dispersion.

      the children—the Gentiles adopted by special grace into the original Church (Isa 54:3; Isa 49:20, 21).

      than . . . married wife—than were her spiritual children, when Israel was still a married wife (under the law, before the Babylonian exile), before God put her away [MAURER]. So Paul contrasts the universal Church of the New Testament with the Church of the Old Testament legal dispensation, quoting this very passage (Ga 4:27). But the full accomplishment of it is yet future.

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