Isaiah 57:20

     20. when it cannot rest—rather, "for it can have no rest" (Job 15:20, &c.; Pr 4:16, 17). English Version represents the sea as occasionally agitated; but the Hebrew expresses that it can never be at rest.

Ephesians 4:14

     14. Translate, "To the end that"; the aim of the bestowal of gifts stated negatively, as in Eph 4:13 it is stated positively.

      tossed to and froinwardly, even without wind; like billows of the sea. So the Greek. Compare Jas 1:6.

      carried about—with every wind from without.

      doctrine—"teaching." The various teachings are the "winds" which keep them tossed on a sea of doubts (Heb 13:9; compare Mt 11:7).

      byGreek, "in"; expressing "the evil atmosphere in which the varying currents of doctrine exert their force" [ELLICOTT].

      sleight—literally, "dice playing." The player frames his throws of the dice so that the numbers may turn up which best suit his purpose.

      of men—contrasted with Christ (Eph 4:13).

      andGreek, "in."

      cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive—Translate as Greek, "craftiness tending to the methodized system of deceit" ("the schemes of error") [ALFORD]. BENGEL takes "deceit," or "error," to stand for "the parent of error," Satan (compare Eph 6:11); referring to his concealed mode of acting.

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