Jeremiah 1:8

     8. (Eze 2:6; 3:9).

      I am with thee— (Ex 3:12; Jos 1:5).

Jeremiah 1:17

     17. gird . . . loins—resolutely prepare for thy appointed task. Metaphor from the flowing robes worn in the East, which have to be girt up with a girdle, so as not to incommode one, when undertaking any active work (Job 38:3; Lu 12:35; 1Pe 1:13).

      dismayed . . . confound—the same Hebrew word; literally, "to break." Be not dismayed at their faces (before them), lest I make thee dismayed before their faces (before them), that is, "lest I should permit thee to be overcome by them" (compare Jer 49:37).

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