Jeremiah 6:14

     14. hurt—the spiritual wound.

      slightly—as if it were but a slight wound; or, in a slight manner, pronouncing all sound where there is no soundness.

      saying—namely, the prophets and priests (Jer 6:13). Whereas they ought to warn the people of impending judgments and the need of repentance, they say there is nothing to fear.

      peace—including soundness. All is sound in the nation's moral state, so all will be peace as to its political state (Jer 4:10; 8:11; 14:13; 23:17; Eze 13:5, 10; 22:28).

Jeremiah 23:16-17

     16. make you vain—They seduce you to vanity, that is, idolatry, which will prove a vain trust to you (Jer 2:5; 2Ki 17:15; Jon 2:8), [GESENIUS]. Rather, "they delude you with vain promises of security" (Jer 23:17; compare Ps 62:10) [MAURER].

      of their own heart—of their own invention (Jer 23:21; Jer 14:14).

     17. say stillHebrew, "say in saying," that is, say incessantly.

      peace— (Jer 6:14; Eze 13:10; Zec 10:2).

      imaginationHebrew, "obstinacy."

      no evil— (Mic 3:11).

Jeremiah 27:9-10

     9. ye—the Jews especially, for whom the address to the rest was intended.

      enchanters—augurs [CALVIN], from a root, the "eyes," that is, lookers at the stars and other means of taking omens of futurity; or another root, a "fixed time," observers of times: forbidden in the law (Le 19:26; De 18:10, 11, 14).

     10. to remove you—expressing the event which would result. The very thing they profess by their enchantments to avert, they are by them bringing on you. Better to submit to Nebuchadnezzar, and remain in your land, than to rebel, and be removed from it.

Ezekiel 21:29

     29. see vanity . . . divine a lie—Ammon, too, had false diviners who flattered them with assurances of safety; the only result of which will be to "bring Ammon upon the necks," &c., that is, to add the Ammonites to the headless trunks of the slain of Judah, whose bad example Ammon followed, and "whose day" of visitation for their guilt "is come."

      when their iniquity shall have an end—See on Eze 21:25.

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