Job 14:13

     13. Job wishes to be kept hidden in the grave until God's wrath against him shall have passed away. So while God's wrath is visiting the earth for the abounding apostasy which is to precede the second coming, God's people shall be hidden against the resurrection glory (Isa 26:19-21).

      set time—a decreed time (Ac 1:7).

Job 17:13

     13. Rather, "if I wait for this grave (Sheol, or the unseen world) as my house, and make my bed in the darkness (Job 17:14), and say to corruption," rather, "to the pit" or "grave," &c. (Job 17:15). Where then is my hope? [UMBREIT]. The apodosis is at Job 17:15.

Ecclesiastes 9:10

     10. Whatsoever—namely, in the service of God. This and last verse plainly are the language of Solomon, not of a skeptic, as HOLDEN would explain it.

      hand, &c.— (Le 12:8, Margin; 1Sa 10:7, Margin).

      thy might—diligence (De 6:5; Jer 48:10, Margin).

      no work . . . in the grave— (Joh 9:4; Re 14:13). "The soul's play-day is Satan's work-day; the idler the man the busier the tempter" [SOUTH].

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