John 8:28

     28-30. When ye have lifted up the Son of man—The plainest intimation He had yet given in public of the manner and the authors of His death.

      then shall ye know that I am he, &c.—that is, find out, or have sufficient evidence, how true was all He said, though they would be far from owning it.

John 12:32-33

     32. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me—The "I" here is emphatic—I, taking the place of the world's ejected prince. "If lifted up," means not only after that I have been lifted up, but, through the virtue of that uplifting. And truly, the death of the Cross, in all its significance, revealed in the light, and borne in upon the heart, by the power of the Holy Ghost, possesses an attraction over the wide world—to civilized and savage, learned and illiterate, alike—which breaks down all opposition, assimilates all to itself, and forms out of the most heterogeneous and discordant materials a kingdom of surpassing glory, whose uniting principle is adoring subjection "to Him that loved them." "Will draw all men 'UNTO ME,'" says He. What lips could venture to utter such a word but His, which "dropt as an honeycomb," whose manner of speaking was evermore in the same spirit of conscious equality with the Father?

     33. This he said, signifying what death he should die—that is, "by being lifted up from the earth" on "the accursed tree" (Joh 3:14; 8:28).

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