Joshua 1:4

     4. all the land of the Hittites—These occupied the southern extremities and were the dominant tribe of Canaan. Their superior power and the extent of their dominions are attested by the mention of them under the name of Khita, on the Assyrian inscriptions, and still more frequently on the Egyptian inscriptions of the eighteenth and nineteenth Dynasties. What life and encouragement must have been imparted to Joshua by the assurance that his people, who had been overwhelmed with fear of that gigantic race, were to possess "all the land of the Hittites"!

Amos 2:9

     9. Yet—My former benefits to you heighten your ingratitude.

      the Amorite—the most powerful of all the Canaanite nations, and therefore put for them all (Ge 15:16; 48:22; De 1:20; Jos 7:7).

      height . . . like . . . cedars— (Nu 13:32, 33).

      destroyed his fruit . . . above . . . roots . . . beneath—that is, destroyed him utterly (Job 18:16; Eze 17:9; Mal 4:1).

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