Judges 16:4-14

     4. he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek—The location of this place is not known, nor can the character of Delilah be clearly ascertained. Her abode, her mercenary character, and her heartless blandishments afford too much reason to believe she was a profligate woman.

     5. the lords of the Philistines—The five rulers deemed no means beneath their dignity to overcome this national enemy.

      Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth—They probably imagined that he carried some amulet about his person, or was in the possession of some important secret by which he had acquired such herculean strength; and they bribed Delilah, doubtless by a large reward, to discover it for them. She undertook the service and made several attempts, plying all her arts of persuasion or blandishment in his soft and communicative moods, to extract his secret.

     7. Samson said . . ., If they bind me with seven green withs—Vine tendrils, pliant twigs, or twists made of crude vegetable stalks are used in many Eastern countries for ropes at the present day.

     8. she bound him with them—probably in a sportive manner, to try whether he was jesting or in earnest.

     9. there were men lying in wait, abiding . . . in the chamber—The Hebrew, literally rendered, is, "in the inner," or "most secret part of the house."

     10. And Delilah said—To avoid exciting suspicion, she must have allowed some time to elapse before making this renewed attempt.

     12. new ropes—It is not said of what material they were formed; but from their being dried, it is probable they were of twigs, like the former. The Hebrew intimates that they were twisted, and of a thick, strong description.

     13. If thou weavest the seven locks of my head—braids or tresses, into which, like many in the East, he chose to plait his hair. Working at the loom was a female employment; and Delilah's appears to have been close at hand. It was of a very simple construction; the woof was driven into the warp, not by a reed, but by a wooden spatula. The extremity of the web was fastened to a pin or stake fixed in the wall or ground; and while Delilah sat squatting at her loom, Samson lay stretched on the floor, with his head reclining on her lap—a position very common in the East.

     14. went away with the pin of the beam, and with the web—that is, the whole weaving apparatus.

     Jud 16:15-20. HE IS OVERCOME.

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