Luke 7:11-17

     11. Nain—a small village not elsewhere mentioned in Scripture, and only this once probably visited by our Lord; it lay a little to the south of Mount Tabor, about twelve miles from Capernaum.

     12. carried out—"was being carried out." Dead bodies, being ceremonially unclean, were not allowed to be buried within the cities (though the kings of David's house were buried m the city of David), and the funeral was usually on the same day as the death.

      only son, &c.—affecting particulars, told with delightful simplicity.

     13. the Lord—"This sublime appellation is more usual with Luke and John than Matthew; Mark holds the mean" [BENGEL].

      saw her, he had compassion, &c.—What consolation to thousands of the bereaved has this single verse carried from age to age!

     14, 15. What mingled majesty and grace shines in this scene! The Resurrection and the Life in human flesh, with a word of command, bringing back life to the dead body; Incarnate Compassion summoning its absolute power to dry a widow's tears!

     16. visited his people—more than bringing back the days of Elijah and Elisha (1Ki 17:17-24; 2Ki 4:32-37; and see Mt 15:31).


     (See on Mt 11:2-14.)

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